Golf Professional Don Sheen

Don Sheen is the Founder and Head Teaching Professional at Caddyshack Golf and Teaching Center in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. After playing 14 years professionally on a variety of Tours, Don became Head Golf Professional and Director of Golf at Twin Lakes Country Club in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, serving in that capacity for 10 years. A former scholarship college golfer at Edison Community College / USF in Fort Meyers, Florida, and Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, Don was named the most valuable player and captain of the squad. Subsequently, he was inducted into the American College Athletes Hall of Fame. Since college, he has been an active tournament player, competing against professional golfers throughout the world. Don instructs all levels of golfers (beginners through professionals) utilizing computerized video swing analysis with launch monitor review and hands-on swing motion instruction. In addition, he's been the special guest of many golf television instructional shows and conducts private and group clinics and schools worldwide.
Caddyshack Golf & Teaching Center is a unique golf shop and teaching facility conveniently located on A1A (3rd Street) in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Caddyshack has a true practice green, bunker, and chipping area, along with a full-swing hitting station. Whether you are a recreational or professional golfer, you will find Caddyshack Golf and Teaching Center the perfect place to take golf lessons, practice, and purchase the latest golf equipment in the industry. Gift certificates are available for golf lessons, equipment, balls, apparel, and accessories. To meet the team at Caddyshack or make an appointment for a golf lesson, please stop in or contact the golf shop at (904) 270-2149.
What is Computerized Video Golf Analysis with Launch Monitor Review?
Computerized video golf analysis involves the video swing capture and monitors the replay of your golf swings. Launch Monitor Review displays the tracer of your full shots and details a variety of parameters involving your shots, including clubhead path, face position at impact, clubhead speed, distance, spin rate, launch angle, and much, much more! From there, your swing is observed at both regular and slow-motion speeds and compared side by side with the best-playing professionals in the world. Caddyshack uses high-speed technology, which provides clarity and can be slowed down and stopped at various intervals during the course of the swing. You can easily view your swing flaws, which results in a better understanding of your swinging motion. Computerized video lessons provide a detailed analysis of your problems, an explanation of their origin, and corrections needed to be made for improvement at any level, whether the student is a beginner, recreational, or an advanced player. Students obtain a combination of both visual and physical learning that the best players in the world enjoy. Don keeps a biographical file on each student and charts their improvement from lesson to lesson. Accordingly, he will single out the most important areas for the student to concentrate on. Practice drills and swing aids are used to promote muscle memory, which results in more consistent ball striking. To assist you in recalling your instruction, Don presents both a Lesson Review Form along with a Video file at the completion of each lesson. Students are able to compare their swings side by side with the best playing professionals in the world at the ease of their home or office computers.

Why Take Golf Lessons?
Why Not? Golf lessons enable you to improve your swing and knowledge of the game. Don personally wants to see all of you improve and enjoy the game to a fuller extent. Don has observed many people hit balls incorrectly and groove bad habits rather than take lessons. He works with each student's individual needs while taking into consideration such factors as age, physical condition, and playing time availability.
Computerized Video Golf Lessons with Launch Monitor Analysis Rates. All prices include a lesson review form and a swing capture video file.
Individual Rates
* On-Course Playing Lessons are also available.
Juniors are the golfers of the future! Caddyshack Golf and Teaching Center is dedicated to junior instruction. Not only will these young golfers be provided with proper swing fundamentals, but Don will also instruct them on proper etiquette and the Rules of Golf!
JUNIOR RATES (12 & Under)